Little Benny once saw through the eyes of man. His heart was filled with love deep down on the inside. Looking through the eyes of man, his love and affection sometimes got him into trouble because he loved people. With his love for people, he did not see through the eyes of God. God knew that there were things that he needed to see. Sometimes love can blind you. He tried hard to please people instead of looking at their wrong doings. Little Benny saw a lot of things, but somehow, they were not reality to him. God chose him because he knew what was in his heart and became eyes for Benny. Little Benny thought many times that he was doing something wrong even when he knew he made the right choices. Sometimes he did things that he did not know that he was doing right. God was the one guiding him all of the time. People tried to take advantage of him. He had so much love and so much heart that if someone broke his heart, that was all it took. Little Benny backed off. He was not impressed with a heart break.
Little Benny recognized the present from his past. He had enough of being mistreated, and he wanted to know people and their good. Benny wanted to go through life without judging and looking at the faults. But God often warned him that he had to be careful of people. Yet, God was the judge, and Benny never judged them. It’s hard to know who’s really on the Lord’s side when you cannot see what is inside the heart. Benny would get angry and tell God that he was through with folks. The Lord would tell Benny not to stop caring and praying for people. So Benny went on about his work for the Lord. The Lord stayed on Little Benny’s case and told him to study his word.
(St. Matt. 5:44) But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you; (45) That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and unjust.
As Little Benny could not comprehend and still kept moving on in the Lord, he began to gradually see his good future. Good things slowly began to happen for him. The eyes of Benny no longer saw through the eyes of love alone. Love for people can make you do wrong. God comes first. First, he saw as man through the eyes of man. Now, he see’s through the eyes of God and that God is love. God’s love has made his love a more perfect kind of love because God‘s love grew inside of him. Can you see through the eyes of Benny? Can you see Benny? Benny can see you through the eyes of God.